The rules for using the rollover simulator and the collision simulator.
The rules in brief.

Up to 18 years with a guardian

Accept the regulations and write down your unique registration number

Empty your pockets

Remove everything that may come off, e.g. ID badge, brooch.

Do not open the door!

Do not unfasten your seat belts!

Follow the operating instructions

Give up if you are pregnant or have had a spine injury.

Stay sober!

Be careful when moving around the simulator

Encourage your friends standing in front of the simulator to record a video while you are inside.

Have fun!
- Regulations
- Determine the rules for using the rollover simulator and the frontal collision simulator.
- Familiarity with and acceptance of these rules are prerequisites for using the service.
- Resolving matters not covered in the Regulations is at the discretion of the staff or the device provider.
- Service (participation in simulation) is educational and intended for individuals who want to increase their safety awareness.
- Contraindications
- Pregnancy.
- Spinal injuries.
- Health problems that impede participation in the service.
- Simulator staff
- Staff designated by the service provider.
- Possess the knowledge and skills to carry out the service.
- Ensure the correct and safe execution of the service.
- May temporarily or permanently suspend the service if there is a threat to the health or life of participants due to force majeure, adverse weather conditions, or the involvement of third parties.
- May refuse a participant’s participation in the service in case of regulation violations, aggressive behavior, or behavior endangering the safety of other participants.
- Not liable for items left in the simulator or its surroundings.
- Service User
- Must be at least 18 years old; minors may only participate under the supervision of an adult.
- Voluntarily decides to participate in the service.
- Should remove all items from pockets.
- Should remove items such as tie pins, ID badges, brooches, necklaces, etc.
- Asked to be cautious when entering the simulator and to hold onto handles indicated by the staff.
- Must not be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or other intoxicating substances.
- Must not unfasten seat belts.
- Must not open doors.
- Responsible for any damage caused during the service.
- Destruction of Sunset Projekt company property is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal liability.